November 21th, 2024

Wow, so much time has passed again! Unfortunately, it has been quite stressful for us lately, with a lot of work at Lenz’s home in Germany who is doing most of the social network. Sorry about that, but we’ll quickly bring you up to date!

2023 could have meant an interesting change for us because our neighbours had offered us a cooperation. Plans had been made and the original idea of expanding behind the diving centre had been thrown overboard without further ado. Weeks went by and in the end nothing came of it and there was no more time for the original plan before Lenz and his Birgit went back to Germany.

In 2024, it was finally time to protect ourselves against the monthly flood peaks, as Mother Nature and Father Neptune nibbled more and more of our front porch away. So we built a massive breakwater that would protect us from spring tides and the like in the long term.

In November 2024, we are now pursuing the plan of adding a small apartment to the back of the dive centre, with a room for Daniel and a fixed kitchen. We are currently working on this and will keep you informed of our progress. 😉

You are welcome to rent the flat from 2025 onwards. 😉

Schon interessant wie die hier verschalen. Einfach aber effektiv. Überhaupt interessant zu sehen mit wie wenigen Hilfsmitteln sie hier ihre Arbeit bewerkstelligen und wie kreativ sie bei der Umsetzung sind - fasziniert mich immer wieder!

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The Start

Originally Daniel Mutile Munga and Idi Abdhala Stambulli planned ONLY to set up their own dive center with some helpers. But in November 2018 Lenz Leberkern crossed their path during a diving holiday on Zanzibar.

After a trip to the north of the island to the marine sanctuary around the island of Mnemba it was clear to the German that this area had a completely different potential.

But the spot around the island was already quite crowded, even though they started to set up their plans and shop together. This area is a phantastic opportunity to include people and culture to show the guests the heritage of the island. Covid almost ruined everything but with hard work the shop survived somehow. The chance to build their own dive center after their own plans got them to leave this area and move to “The Rock” where the new dive center is built at the moment. During this period, we are diving – of course!